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“…I Will Always Put the Misson First, I Will Never Accept Defeat, I Will Never Quit, I Will Never Leave a Fallen Comrade…”
The Soldiers Creed

This is the crux of a U.S. Army creed that every Soldier is supposed to know by heart (but, sadly, many do not). No other creed except for the Rangers Creed holds the level of gravitas as the Soldiers Creed. These are more than simple words to remember; they are more than just expressions of fidelity, commitment, and allegiance. The Soldiers Creed, and especially these four lines, are a code of conduct that every true Warrior endeavors to live by and live up to. They are both a challenge and a pledge. In the combat arms field, these four lines are referred to as “The Warrior’s Creed” and are words I have lived by for over 25 years. I lived them before they were even written, before I had ever heard a single word, they were alive in my heart and soul, and although I retired from active duty over a decade ago, they live in my heart to this day. After almost 25 years of service to my Country, four combat tours (almost) 36 months of combat time, and nearly 11 years of deployed time, I felt I had done enough. I had (my family) given enough, but I was wrong, totally wrong. I was reminded recently that although I may have hung up my DCUs (yes, I am that old), my service was not done; I was not done; I have more to give, more service. I realized that my country, my community, and my family need me more now than ever, and as important, I believe I have more to give. So, like any warrior, I took stock of my strengths and weaknesses, an honest, penetrating evaluation of my character as a warrior. For most of my adult life, I have known that the only thing I had been good at was training and leading warriors. That’s where the idea of www.aexaiminedlife.com came from. This year has been a good growing period, and as we continue to grow, aexaminedlife.com will branch out to other social media sites and expand to new service avenues. We will be sharing new platforms for us to connect, interact, and draw strength from our other brothers and sisters in arms.
Thank you for being with us on this journey
Your Brother in Arms (YBiA)
Your Battle Buddy

This site is not intended to be a safe place, nor is it a place for coddling minds or egos. We are here to join in the conversation, to learn, share and partake in the ideas and concepts that make this wonderful life worth living.
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Words to live by…

“I will Never forget, and only God can forgive!”


US Army War-Fighter

“Fair, FAIR…that’s where you go get cotton candy, isn’t” 

 Matt Larson

US ARMY Modern Army Combative Program Founder

” They can send whoever they want, as long as they do not want them back”

Tim Kennedy, SF, UFC Fighter, All Army MACP Champ.

(on isis hunting American Soldiers)


We will build this section as we build our content and writings…

Inspirational Thoughts




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