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Hello, I am Vincent, and the originator of A Examined Life. I am a retired U.S. Army warrior, with more than 23 years of leading, coaching, and mentoring the men and women of our nation’s Military.
Army, Navy, Marines, and Airforce, I have coached and trained 10,000s of our nation’s young men and women (yes, that is ten’s of thousands) in every arena from small arms engagements, tactically transitioning between individual weapon systems, advanced weapon marksmanship, hand to hand fighting and weapon retention /engagement; to small unit maneuvers and combat mission sustainment.
I have worked within every community of the Army, from Infantry Rangers, and Special Forces, to Service and Support units. My Army career started as an E1, Pvt. M60 machine gunner, and ended it as a senior Non-Commissioned Officer, and the Director of the Modern Army Combative Program for Fort Carson, Co.
I have had the distinct pleasure of serving with some of the greatest men and women of our generation from General “Maddog” Mattis, and Gen. David Patraes, to Medal of Honor recipient Kyle Carpenter, CSM Eric Cooke, and Special Operations / UFC Fighter Tim Kennedy. I have been an instructor for the Canadian Special Forces, West Point Military Academy, Colorado Sheriff’s Association to more Infantry units than I care to remember. I have a degree in Clinical Psychology and a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work.
All of this experience, time, and education has proven one important reality to me… “ People have A LOT more in common with one another than they do in difference to one another”.
With a culture that endlessly attempts to divide, tribalize and segregate us into opposing groups or ideologues, we must not lose sight of the fact that we are all in this (life) together.
A quotation from Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol implores us to think of a time, “… when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely and to think of people as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys ‘…”
In his book The Outermost House the naturalist Henry Beston wrote, “… there are other nations caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth…” It is from this perspective that I share some thoughts, insights, and learned truths with others.
As I tell many of my clients, “If I could make a life so grand, that it would have been unimaginable to me as a child; then anyone applying the same principles could do it also.”
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Your Brother in Arms
VS Miller


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