Canceling the Cancel Culture

Free speech on college campuses has been under attack for decades. Ask any conservative, pro-America college club, and they will certainly attest to that fact. We are now seeing the heart of the woke movement (leftist colleges/universities) being brought to task for their praise and support of terrorist organizations. Even the Hamas caucus of the Democrats is under scrutiny from within their own party. Is it time to cancel the cancel culture?
Our article “Get Woke, Go Broke” examined how individuals and businesses pay a monetary and social price for their anti-American, anti-Semitic propaganda. Apart from the recent “unhinged” pro-Hamas demonstrations we are presently witnessing, we have seen years of progressive (regressive) attacks from the uninformed.
The Cancel Culture
- Invited guest speaker Judge Kyle Duncan was verbally assaulted by a Stanford U. student mob and the school’s Dean of Diversity-Equity-Inclusion, Tirien Steinbach.
- April 2023, woke/unhinged students of Albany U. shouted down conservative speaker/writer Ian Haworth with threats of violence.
- March 2023, Pittsburgh U. invites conservative Michael Knowles to debate “Should Transgender be Regulated by Law?” Of course, the guest had to have a Police escort to leave safely.
- In April 2022, Buffalo U. woke mob hunted down and harassed a fellow student and president of the school’s Young Americans for Freedom for inviting the black conservative Lt. Col. Allen West to speak at a pro-American event.
- In March 2017, Middlebury College invited Dr. Charles Murry to lecture at a conservative event hosted by the school’s American Enterprise Club, which was overrun and shut down by a woke mob.
It has been almost 20 years since big-name (left-liberal) comedians Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Bill Maher, and others decided to stop performing at college campuses nationwide. Their stoppage was due to what they called political correctness (wokeism) and the political outrage of a minority of students/faculty.
Many other colleges like these have enjoyed the freedom to express their opinions and viewpoints while simultaneously shutting down diverging ideas with harassment and violence. More disturbing is that these acts of intimidation are not just condoned but are actually incited by leftist faculty and impotent education administrators. Over the last few generations, colleges have consistently replaced critical thinking skills and the ability to debate with intolerance and radicalization.
Shift in Administrators’ Roles

Historically, leftist administrators have endeavored to shield their liberal students from the consequences of their actions, allowing them to shout down invited speakers and fellow students and express their anti-American/anti-Semitic views without facing repercussions. The recent reaction to the terrorist attacks of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran may hint at a changing landscape within our liberal culture. College administrators are now urging students to take responsibility for their actions/words and refrain from any overtly illegal or unethical behavior. While every freedom-loving American supports even the vilest expression of ideas (proud-boy, BLM, the Squad), we also know that freedom is not free and every right has a responsibility attached to it.
Public Repercussions

In this digital age, an individual’s actions and statements can be easily spread and scrutinized in real-time. College students and faculty who openly espouse hateful views or support racist ideologies have faced public scrutiny and online condemnation. These repercussions include releasing the personal information of those hiding behind their online amenity while wearing face-coverings at these terrorist support rallies.
Administrative Response

University officials are now having to apply a zero-tolerance policy (for conservative students) towards behaviors that promote violence or endorse intimidation. They are advising students to report such incidents through proper channels, and when necessary, they encourage these pro-American students to involve external authorities. This marks a significant shift in how universities address the woke/unhinged radicals and underscores the need for a commitment to maintaining a safe and genuinely inclusive environment for all students.
Professional Consequences

Let us be clear: the reason for this collegiate awakening is all about the money (as it always is). We are seeing the public outcry and a business fallout from these woke/unhinged ideologies. In retaliation for these pro-terrorist rallies we have witnessed over the last two weeks, students and faculty members facing professional repercussions for their actions. Alums and donors are canceling the cancel culture by stopping their funding for these schools, and there have been instances where students who attached their names to pro-Hamas statements lost job offers from prestigious law firms, such as Davis Polk & Wardwell and Winston & Strawn. Even Judge Matthew Solomson of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims has expressed reservations about hiring law clerks who have endorsed extremist ideologies. These cases highlight the potential long-term impact of a person’s actions on their future prospects.
The Changing Paradigm

The concept of safe spaces on college campuses, once seen as protective environments, are transforming. We are beginning to see that these “so-called safe places” are no longer being used as incubators for the hate of the uninformed. Students are beginning to recognize that exercising their right to free speech does not absolve them from the consequences of their hateful words or abusive actions. This newfound accountability indicates a growing intolerance towards radicalism and underscores the importance of respectful discourse and responsible engagement within academic and societal settings.

The social (in) justice mobs are finally being confronted with the reality (long known by pro-Americans) that free speech requires responsibility. Recent incidents have shed light on the shifting dynamics of free speech on campus and within our society as a whole. Although we are seeing a positive shift in public opinion (demanding accountability) and a desire to see the leftist education faculty (who are determined to radicalize rather than teach young people), the hamas caucus of our government (who placate the terrorist), and the uniformed radicalized minority (who choose to be willfully ignorant) to be held accountable for their hateful and anti-Sematic behavior. We have to admit we are only beginning to pull our country back from the brink of destruction. We must remain optimistic, steadfast, and loyal to the ideas and values that have made America (and the Western civilization) the greatest hope for freedom and prosperity the world has ever known.
As we take a stronger stance against hate and radicalism, the cancel culture must be mindful of the impact their words and beliefs can have, both within the academic realm and beyond. While students have long enjoyed the freedom to express their opinions, it is becoming increasingly apparent that these freedoms are not without consequences.

Your Brother in Arms (YBiA)
The Happy Warrior